Trying to marry his passion for cars and cameras, AJ began shooting automotive videos with his high school friends. His work caught the attention of local car dealerships, and at age 22 he left his job at Apple to pursue filmmaking full-time. He founded Advent Films, and quickly became a trusted shooter for elite vehicle manufacturers like Ferrari, McLaren, Aston Martin, Porsche, Tesla and many more.

At 27 AJ was accepted into the DGA as one of the Guild’s youngest directors. Known for dynamic angles and an unforgiving attention to detail, AJ’s portfolio now includes a wide variety of award-winning photo and video work for many of the world’s most prestigious brands and ad agencies.

In front of the camera, AJ has become an ambassador for brands like Fujifilm and RED Digital Cinema. He also is a regular speaker at industry conferences like NAB and Adobe MAX.

When he’s not working on movies or driving cars, AJ is either working on movies or driving cars.